Dress Code


  1. Bleaching and dyeing of hair and unconventional hair styles is strictly Prohibited.
  2. Nails should be cut short and kept clean.
  3. ONLY BLACK/ WHITE SCHOOL SHOES should be worn.
  4. The neck-tie is a must during winter. The tie when worn should be tightened up with the collar button locked.


  1. Skirts should strictly be knee length
  2. Hair should be neatly tied up with only black colour clips or rubber bands
  3. No facial make up such as kajal , eye liner, lip colour or coloured lip balm, Necklace, bangles and big earrings is allowed.


  1. Hair should be cut short and kept neat.
  2. Applying gel and hair fixer is not allowed.
  3. The placing of your child at Royal International School, implies a full acceptance of the school rules and regulations.

In cases of misconduct the Principal along with the Disciplinary Committee shall take suitable action depending on the gravity of misconduct, which may include -


Terms and Conditions laid out in this Prospectus are liable to be changed from year to year.